How To Measure Custom Fit Roman Blinds Guide
At Blinds Downunder we have put together a written guide on how to measure different window and door configurations for your selected Roman Blinds. We recommend Roman blinds only be installed as Face Fit with architraves or Face Fit without architraves. For fabric selections head to our samples page and use our Roman Blind Selection Page to view fabrics.
Measuring Instructions
Roman Blind width start from 400mm-2900mm
Please Note; if Roman Blinds are side by side to allow battens to line up.
Items you will need
1)Steel Tape measure (All measurements to be documented in millimetres)
2)Print Measurement form or populate Measurement form online
3)Pen and Paper
Important notes;
1) Always document the room your blind will be installed. You may wish to sketch a plan of blind locations as reference. Hang onto both your Measurement form/sketch and file for future reference.
2)Always measure every window individually, check measurements in a minimum of three different locations. Windows can sometimes be out of square. Refer to measurement video and this specific measurement documents: Face Fit, Face Fit No Architraves. We do not provide the option for Recess Fit Roman Blinds.
Special Note; Depending on your desired look romans can be ordered to go past architraves, we like our romans to go past architraves by 25mm each side (50mm total horizontal) and 100mm minimum up to 200mm total width for face fit no architraves - refer to horizontal width measurement (a) in image below.
Roman blind fabric can tend to settle (drop) over time, as a guide approximately 20-30mm. Keep the (drop) in mind if ordering your roman blinds to sit just above floor coverings. If your Roman Blind is not sitting hard to floor and is for a window, no deduction will be required, if you are happy with the fabric settling over time.
Face Fit with architraves
To prevent Full Roman Blind stack encroaching a significant amount of the top of your window glass, we recommend you add approximately 100-150mm to your vertical drop measurement (b) in image below for partial clearance. If you require full clearance (Top stacks are generally 200-250mm per stack above finished architrave as a guide for full clearance). If installing roman blind above increase headboard depth to sit on top of architrave. Each situation is different, so it is important you work out what is best for your application. By installing above your architrave, you can limit the light gaps down the sides, as your roman fabric is closer to the wall. Another option you can order roman blind to fit architrave only, however the stack will encroach window approximately 200-250mm.
Face Fit without architraves
To prevent Full Roman Blind stack encroaching a significant amount of the top of your window glass space, we recommend you add approximately 100 -150mm to your vertical drop measurement (b) in image below you may with to add additional past the bottom of window sill for light control (Add more for full roman stack clearance). Otherwise you can add 120mm to your vertical drop measurement (b), which is 70mm above and 50mm below for fixing purposes. Each situation is different, so it is important you work out what is best for your application.
3)Always measure the width measurement and then the drop measurement in that order. Make sure you write measurements to the exact millimetre.
4) Always document the side you wish your Cord/Chain Drive/motor to be positioned, at time of measurement.
5) Always look for any obstructions ie; door/window hardware, which may interfere with your blind’s functionality.You may need to increase the headboard size from our standard 50mm size for cord operation and 50mm for chain operation depending on the above obstruction factors to a larger headboard width.
6) Never take measurement directly from your house plans or window schedules as this will most likely not be accurate.
7) Always Triple check your measurements and blind details you have documented.
8) It is important to input your measurements the exact size. It is always recommended if you are finding it difficult to differentiate between one millimetre, you write down the lesser measurement.
9) Corner windows are handled different, generally deduct your headboard size and 10mm clearance off one blind. (Example 50mm headboard + 10mm = 60mm Deduction)
10) If you are measuring with someone else, make sure everyone is reading the tape measure the same way, before you start measuring the entire house lot of blinds. Make sure to read all measurements out aloud and confirm measurements by repeating your assistant’s measurement, especially before writing the finalised measurements on your measurement form.
11) Once you have completed the Measurement form, transfer these details to Roman Blinds Selection page. Triple check the information you are entering relates to your measurement form, as you go. Always check your information is correct prior to proceeding with purchase.
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